Reponding Heads 4 allows you to fully control your computer without the use of mouse or keyboard, just say "search the web for responding heads" to your microphone and it will search for responding heads . Great huh?
Have you ever wanted to create a custom made character for Responding heads? Maybe a character that is you Dad, brother or maybe even you? You finaly have that choice...
Morgie helps you organize your movies with cover art and a nice filter system. When first run, it will search your "movies" folder for video files and place them in folders, then search the web for their posters...
Monkey Babel is a small programming language, the language it self is a mixture of basic and java. The idea is to make a small and simple to use programing language that can be run on any platform(linux,windows,mobiles...)
This is a massive multiplayer game developed in Java and uses OpenGL. The game-environment is isometric and you play as a clayman in a clayworld, It works much like many other mmorpg's. You work, excel, grow and die – with some minor exceptions...
With Pictocalc you can convert pictures that can be displayed on your Casio calculator. The program first convert any .bmp, .jpg or .pcx picture to a Casio program that can be sent to your Calculator with "FA-123".
This is a multiplayer tank game developed in Java as a first-year project for Computer Science at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The game is developed by Adam Sam, Pascal Chatterjee and Damon Sharivar.